Educating the ‘whole child’ is of the utmost importance to us and our school values and ethos underpins this, nevertheless, by the time they leave our school and move to their new school, whether it be another primary or on to secondary education, they must be well prepared academically, especially in the core subjects of English and Maths.
In May each year, children in Year 6 and Year 2 undertake Statutory Assessments Tests (SATs) and these are used to benchmark children against other like children nationally both in terms of their academic attainment (the standards they have reached) and their academic progress (how far they have moved in the time between either Early Years to Year 2 or Year 2 to Year 6. Our school uses these results with caution – they are a snapshot picture of a child’s ability to perform at any given moment however, they are a useful benchmark to ensure the school continues to perform well.
OfSTED and the Local Authority also use these results to compare our school to others nationally. In 2016, there were new tests from maths, reading and SPaG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar). You can read more about the tests by clicking on the links below.
Following significant changes to the National Curriculum, these tests did not measure children by levels (as had previously been used), but by whether they had achieved a national standard for children at each age range. In order to attain the national standard, children were required to achieve a standardised score of 100 or more – the marks needed to obtain this ‘100’ score will change every year in response to how well nationally the cohort perform.