It is imperative to all of us in the school community at Stockbridge to ensure that every child is able to learn because their behaviour and that of others is exemplary. Our 6 values underpin this and equip our children with the skills to learn how to behave.
To ensure that a clear and consistent message is given to all of our school community, we have agreed a whole school approach to positive behaviour management. For more details on our policy, please see HERE.
Every child in the school is divided into a colour ‘family’. These families eat together at lunchtimes, work together during whole school activities and generally get to know each other very well. Children can earn points and rewards for their family to earn a special reward at the end of each term.
In addition to this, children earn success points when they have done something successfully that is a step forwards in their learning or personal development. These are rewarded in Celebration Assembly on a Friday and contribute towards bronze, silver, gold and platinum badges, which children wear with pride. Whilst these points are individually earned, they also contribute towards the family reward for the family who earn, collaboratively, the most success points. This helps to move children from the egocentric approach of what’s in it for them as individuals, to a team approach. The most recent family reward was a movie afternoon!
Of course, where there is praise and reward, there are consequences if children choose to not adhere to the agreed Stockbridge standards. In 2022, we moved away from whole school consequences as move further along our THRIVE journey and now, should we ever need to instigate consequences as a result of not following the Stockbridge Standards, we devise an individual consequence tailored to each individual child. This recognises that what motivates and changes behaviour for one child does not necessarily work for another.
Behaviour policy is available to download including a section on bullying and how the school deals with this.
Red & Yellow cards have been devised with the school council and bronze ambassadors.
Perfect Playground Partners are voted by our Peer Mentors each week. Written by Cara and Lerryn.