A school office is a busy place; you only need to stand in there for 10 minutes on a morning to know this! A warm welcome for all is an important part of any school and our admin and finance team are the engine of the school, keeping us all on track!
Mrs Spayes knows the school inside and out and is part of the senior leadership team. She works 4 days a week, Tuesday to Friday and is the controller of the school purse strings! She also deals with all pre-school paperwork and funding as well as main round and in year admissions so is the first point of contact for our new parents.
Mrs Lawler is most likely the first person you’ll meet or speak to when you visit or call the school. When we appointed her we tried to convey how busy our school office is and, as a mum of 2 young children and huge experience in busy industry posts, she agrees that we weren’t wrong!! She’ll point you in the right direction and, as she gets to know the school, will be able to offer advice on things like admissions, school events and the like. She’s in charge of all the trip and dinner money that comes onto site so is definitely in the know about that!