Schools get busy in the autumn term with families coming to have a look around, often at open days, and see whether the school could be the right one for their child. At Stockbridge, we no longer run open days but prefer to show around families individually so that we can get to know you and your child and understand what you’re looking for in a school for your child.
All main round applications are notified on 16th April and the late applications notified after this date once spare places are known. It’s always worth a chat with us about a late application or you can look at the Hampshire web pages for admissions by clicking here.
Rather than hold open days where we find it difficult to chat to you about your child and whether our school would suit you and your family, we offer individual appointments. Book a time with our school office to meet Mrs Jefferies, at a time to suit you, during which we can talk about your child and your child alone.
It’s this individual approach that we think best fits our ethos and is what parents prefer. Don’t worry if you’re a late applicant or want to get ahead of the game for September 2024.
Please contact the school office on 01264 810550 or the Headteacher by email: to make an appointment.
Of course, if these are inconvenient for you or you wish to discuss your child in more detail that open mornings allow, we can meet you individually, especially when families have moved into the area, just been posted or missed the date for signing up for a place.
In order to be part of the main round of admissions for September 2024 ie. your child was born between 1 September 2019 and 31 August 2020), families are required to enter their school place application by 15th January 2024 – the portal for applications will open on 1 November 2023. Decisions for all families who applied by this date will be sent directly to their application form address on 16 April 2024.
If, for whatever reason, you missed this first deadline date, you will need to make a late application. Details of how to do this for us, a Hampshire school, can be found at the late application pages on the Hampshire website by clicking here. Alternatively, you can download the late application form here as a PDF, complete it and return to any Hampshire County Council school.